This extension to an existing Victorian terrace house in Wanstead gained planning permission last year. Construction is soon to begin on site.
The proposal replaces an existing poor quality, ‘lean-to’ conservatory with a contemporary extension which unites the kitchen and dining room creating an open plan living space.
Removal of the original suspended ground floor increases the floor to ceiling height in the living space and allows the newly formed internal space to line through with the existing garden level. Above, the extension roof lines through with the existing first floor level of the house and contains a large rooflight bringing natural light down into the space.
The rear wall is entirely glazed, allowing uninterrupted views of the garden and further
admittance of natural light. The wall slides neatly open onto a paved terrace.
A new reflecting pool alongside the edge of the glazing adjacent to the terrace, combined with planting and treatment to the boundary fences helps to give the garden more privacy and create a hidden calm oasis at the rear of the house